Weight Loss Approach

Qua’s weight loss program is different from other programs. It’s personally tailored by our expert physicians to each individual’s metabolism and body composition. As a complement to this program, we also offer solutions to sculpt and enhance your skin’s appearance.

Many patients may not have an obvious or apparent reason behind why they struggle to lose weight. That is where we rely on our experience and scientific knowledge to help identify possible limitations related to our patients body composition.

Our medically designed weight loss plans will achieve patient goals that vary from lifestyle improvement to those seeking weight loss assistance for obesity.

Oftentimes, our patients’ weight gain started around periods of hormonal change such as puberty, pregnancy and delivery, menopause, etc., or with a family history of obesity.

We look for other conditions including vitamin deficiencies, depression, pre-diabetes, insulin resistance, and more before we decide on a collaborative approach to helping you move forward with a treatment plan that will work for you and ensure you meet your goals.

Individualized Weight Loss

  • Initial and monthly follow up appointment with Dr. Abboud and her team

  • Body Mass Analysis with measurements to determine metabolic rate

  • FDA approved medication

  • Extensive lab work including those for hormonal imbalances

What We Provide:

Being overweight is hard. Losing weight is hard.
Choose your hard.

Being overweight is hard. Losing weight is hard. There are millions of people that are trying to lose weight. Each of these individuals are different which is why their road to weight loss needs to be different. For most people, a cookie-cutter weight loss service or gym membership won’t work which is why our program goes deeper than any weight loss program you’ve ever been a part of. We start with a thorough evaluation of every patient and measure your metabolism, hormone levels, lifestyle and then we prepare and implement a weight loss plan that is 100% specific to you. Like each of our patients, our approach is unique, which is why this program works.