Men’s Health

Obesity in  men is very common in the United States. The percentage of obesity in men is 37% and more than that after the age of 50. Obesity is not only carrying an extra amount of weight on you, it is the reason why you could have high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, sleep apnea, high cholesterol, coronary artery disease, reflux, fatty liver, some cancers, heart attack, and stroke.  

Looking and feeling good about yourself is important but equally important is that we work on preventing diseases. There are several causes of obesity in men, and most of them are hormonal. This is why at Qua Wellness and Med Spa we look into what the root cause is, and why the hormones are not working in your favor. In addition to thyroid hormones, there are testosterone hormones, pituitary hormones, and pancreatic hormones, and all of those play an important role in helping figure out why you’re struggling with your weight.  We look to see if you have a  slow metabolism and use hormonal therapy and weight loss medication to help combat the conditions that come with this serious disease: obesity.

Obesity is a very serious problem and it is unfortunately very under-recognized. Please make an appointment today so we can start this journey together.